The full list of our journal papers...
Upadhyay, K., Jagani, R., Giovanis, D.G., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C., Carass, A., Bayly, P.V., Shields, M.D., and Ramesh, K.T. (under review). Effect of Human Head Shape on the Risk of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Gaussian Process Regression-Based Machine Learning Approach. Military Medicine.
Upadhyay, K., Fuhg, J.N., Bouklas, N., and Ramesh, K.T. (2023). Physics-informed Data-driven Discovery of Constitutive Models with Application to Strain-Rate-sensitive Soft Materials. ArXiv, 2304.13897. (under review in Computational Mechanics)
Upadhyay, K., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C.L., Carass, A., Bayly, P.V., and Ramesh, K.T. (2022). Development and Validation of Subject-Specific 3D Human Head Models Based on a Nonlinear Visco-Hyperelastic Constitutive Framework. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19(195): 20220561.
Upadhyay, K., Giovanis, D.G., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C.L., Carass, A., Bayly, P.V., Shields, M.D., and Ramesh, K.T. (2022). Data-driven Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Human Head Models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 398, 115108.
Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C.L., Carass, A., Upadhyay, K., Bayly, P.V., Pham, D.L., Prince, J.L., and Ramesh, K.T. (2021). Integrating Material Properties from Magnetic Resonance Elastography into Subject-Specific Computational Models for the Human Brain. Brain Multiphysics, 100038.
Bayly, P.V., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Upadhyay, K., Okamoto, R.J., Carass, A., Butman, J.A., Pham, D.L., Prince, J.L., Ramesh, K.T., and Johnson, C.L. (2021). MR imaging of human brain mechanics in vivo: New measurements to facilitate the development of computational models of brain injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 49, 2677-2692.
Upadhyay, K., Spearot, D., and Subhash, G. (2021). Validated Tensile Characterization of the Strain Rate Dependence in Soft Materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 156, 103949.
Millar, D., Mennu, M., Upadhyay, K., Morley, C., and Ifju, P. (2021). An improved direct shear characterisation technique for soft gelatinous and elastomeric materials. Strain, 57(3), e12383.
Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2020). Hyperelastic constitutive modeling of hydrogels based on primary deformation modes and validation under 3D stress states. International Journal of Engineering Science, 154, 103314.
Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2020). Visco-hyperelastic constitutive modeling of strain rate sensitive soft materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 135, 103777.
Luo, K., Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D.E. (2019). Transient-State Rheological Behavior of Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Hydrogels at High Shear Strain Rates. Macromolecules, 52(15), 5860-5871.
Upadhyay, K., Bhattacharyya, A., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2019). Quasi-static and high strain rate simple shear characterization of soft polymers. Experimental Mechanics, 59(5), 733-747.
Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2019). Thermodynamics-based stability criteria for constitutive equations of isotropic hyperelastic solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 124, 115-142