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The full list of our journal papers...


  • Upadhyay, K., Jagani, R., Giovanis, D.G., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C., Carass, A., Bayly, P.V., Shields, M.D., and Ramesh, K.T. (2024). Effect of human head shape on the risk of traumatic brain injury: a gaussian process regression-based machine learning approach. Military medicine, usae199.

  • ​Upadhyay, K., Fuhg, J. N., Bouklas, N., & Ramesh, K. T. (2024). Physics-informed data-driven discovery of constitutive models with application to strain-rate-sensitive soft materials. Computational Mechanics, 1-30.


  • Upadhyay, K., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C.L., Carass, A., Bayly, P.V., and Ramesh, K.T. (2022). Development and Validation of Subject-Specific 3D Human Head Models Based on a Nonlinear Visco-Hyperelastic Constitutive Framework. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19(195): 20220561.

  • Upadhyay, K., Giovanis, D.G., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C.L., Carass, A., Bayly, P.V., Shields, M.D., and Ramesh, K.T. (2022). Data-driven Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Human Head Models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 398, 115108.


  • Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Johnson, C.L., Carass, A., Upadhyay, K., Bayly, P.V., Pham, D.L., Prince, J.L., and Ramesh, K.T. (2021). Integrating Material Properties from Magnetic Resonance Elastography into Subject-Specific Computational Models for the Human Brain. Brain Multiphysics, 100038.

  • Bayly, P.V., Alshareef, A., Knutsen, A.K., Upadhyay, K., Okamoto, R.J., Carass, A., Butman, J.A., Pham, D.L., Prince, J.L., Ramesh, K.T., and Johnson, C.L. (2021). MR imaging of human brain mechanics in vivo: New measurements to facilitate the development of computational models of brain injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 49, 2677-2692.

  • Upadhyay, K., Spearot, D., and Subhash, G. (2021). Validated Tensile Characterization of the Strain Rate Dependence in Soft Materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 156, 103949.

  • Millar, D., Mennu, M., Upadhyay, K., Morley, C., and Ifju, P. (2021). An improved direct shear characterisation technique for soft gelatinous and elastomeric materials. Strain, 57(3), e12383.


  • Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2020). Hyperelastic constitutive modeling of hydrogels based on primary deformation modes and validation under 3D stress states. International Journal of Engineering Science, 154, 103314.

  • Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2020). Visco-hyperelastic constitutive modeling of strain rate sensitive soft materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 135, 103777.


  • Luo, K., Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D.E. (2019). Transient-State Rheological Behavior of Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Hydrogels at High Shear Strain Rates. Macromolecules, 52(15), 5860-5871.

  • Upadhyay, K., Bhattacharyya, A., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2019). Quasi-static and high strain rate simple shear characterization of soft polymers. Experimental Mechanics, 59(5), 733-747.

  • Upadhyay, K., Subhash, G., and Spearot, D. (2019). Thermodynamics-based stability criteria for constitutive equations of isotropic hyperelastic solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 124, 115-142

2262 Patrick F. Taylor Hall, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA


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